Neurorehabilitationszentrum Malovec

In August 2013, the couple Katarina and Martin Malovec founded the Rehabilitation center in Bisamberg with the aim of offering the high-quality innovative rehabilitation method TheraSuit, which has been helping patients with neurological and orthopedic disorders worldwide for years.

Both gained rich experience in various rehabilitation centers – Martin as a physiotherapist and his wife Katarina as a manager. They are parents of 5 children. Two of their daughters, Bianca and Dominika, were born with severe disabilities. As a mother, Katy traveled to many continents to seek help for her children. Later, her husband Martin joined her in this fight. The family has since grown by three more – healthy – children. Therefore, Katarina and Martin possess not only a solid professional education but also rich personal experience in caring for individuals with disabilities.

Thanks to their experiences and comprehensive understanding of the needs and life with disabilities, the Malovec Rehab Center not only offers a rich array of high-quality therapies but also provides a personal approach and a familial background for the affected individuals and their families.

Our rehab team supports all patients with state-of-the-art therapy methods, enabling them to return to everyday life with the greatest possible independence. As the only provider in Austria, we offer the unique TheraSuit method.

We have been here
for you since 2012.

The year 2012 was the year when it all began for us.

Meet Martin and Katy—a couple who brought the TheraSuit method to Slovakia and helped it experience a tremendous boom. Thanks to their efforts, this method has become accessible to many families in Slovakia who were seeking intensive rehabilitation programs. The TheraSuit method is a therapy that helps people with various types of movement disorders improve their motor skills and quality of life. Martin and Katy are true visionaries, bringing positive changes to the lives of others.

August 2013

In Bisamberg, Austria, a new era of neurorehabilitation begins—the foundation stone for the new Neurorehabilitation Center Malovec has been laid. Mgr. Martin Malovec, or as he is familiarly called—Martin, along with his wife Katy, convinced the first Austrian clients of the excellence of their services and established the Kinesis Center in the beautiful Weinviertel region in Bisamberg.

In the therapy room equipped with two Rocher cages, we welcomed our first clients and introduced them to the innovative Therasuit method, which is unique in Austria. This method proves to be revolutionary for neurological and orthopedic patients, delivering incredible results.

October 2014

We are excited to announce that our team has recently been expanded with two outstanding physiotherapists—Marek and Mira! Together, we have launched our first educational activity focusing on mobilization techniques. These talented experts bring extensive experience in physiotherapy and have joined us to enhance the health of our patients.

September 2015

We are very pleased to announce that our team has recently been expanded with two experienced physiotherapists—Dana and Barbora! These experts bring a wealth of experience in the field of physiotherapy. We believe that their contributions will allow us to provide even better and higher-quality care for our clients.

But that's not all! Our RehaZentrum Malovec has also recently welcomed an outstanding teacher, Beata Šoltésová, who has helped us deepen our knowledge in mobilization techniques. Beata is a seasoned professional with extensive experience in physiotherapy and has been an invaluable source of knowledge for us. With the new techniques we have learned, we are now even better prepared to offer you top-notch rehabilitation care.

October 2016

We are excited to introduce our new product—the robot-assisted gait trainer named "LokoHelp". This trainer is now available to clients at the RehaZentrum Malovec and offers many benefits. LokoHelp is ideal for clients looking to improve their walking ability, as well as those recovering from injuries or surgeries.

Thanks to its unloading system and robot-assisted technology, it can aid in improving movement coordination and restoring mobility. Additionally, LokoHelp allows bedridden patients to be upright, positively impacting their health and quality of life. At the RehaZentrum Malovec, we believe that this innovation will enable us to provide even more effective care to our clients and help them achieve their rehabilitation goals.

January 2017

At RehaZentrum Malovec, we have once again elevated the level of care for our clients. We proudly introduce our latest therapy—PNF, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation. We are launching a three-week course today designed to enhance the coordination between muscles and the nervous system. The goal is to maximize movement control and functionality, provide pain relief, and improve our clients' daily lives. We believe that with PNF therapy, we will take another step forward in achieving the best results for our clients.

March 9, 2017

After successfully completing the training for PNF - Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation with the Czech instructor Petra Bastlová, we enjoyed dinner together. We are very pleased to have had the opportunity to work with such an experienced and talented professional. We hope that the new insights and techniques introduced by Petra will become valuable tools for our clients. The dinner provided a pleasant opportunity to relax and discuss our experiences and goals in the field of neurorehabilitation.

March 2017

In our therapy center, we realized that we needed more space for our patients and therapists. Our old therapy rooms were very limited and did not allow us to fully realize our potential. Therefore, we decided to renovate our basement and create a new, modern space for our patients and therapists.

July 2017

Tadaaaa! Everything is ready, and we feel absolutely fantastic! In our new premises, we have created a pleasant space where our patients, their family members, and our therapists can truly feel at ease. It’s an indescribable feeling to see dreams become reality. Now, we have spacious seating areas for parents, where they can sit comfortably and enjoy a cup of coffee, or a room with a TV where tired parents can relax undisturbed.

July 13, 2017

We would like to inform you about an interesting change that has taken place at our rehabilitation center. After listening to our clients' feedback, we decided to rename the Kinesis Center to the RehaZentrum Malovec. We wanted a name that reflects our family-like atmosphere and the goals we pursue in our organization. Additionally, we are pleased to announce that our team has been strengthened by a new experienced physiotherapist from Romania named Ale.

Christmas 2017
Starting from May 2018

The vestibular therapy at the Malovec Rehabilitation Center is more innovative than ever. Our team has just completed a course with an expert from France who introduced us to the latest advancements in vestibular therapy. With advanced technologies, this rehabilitation method has become effective not only in the rehabilitation of the vestibular system but also in its diagnosis.

The therapeutic setup includes a swivel and tilt chair, as well as glasses with an infrared camera and monitor, which allow the physiotherapist to observe and assess eye reactions during rehabilitation. This innovative method enables us to gain a more precise view of treatment progress and improve outcomes.

The vestibular rehabilitation therapy at the Malovec Neurorehabilitation Center is now at the highest level, and our clients have access to the latest and most effective treatment methods.

February 2019 – Carnival at the RehaZentrum Malovec
June 2019 - The Malovec team supports nature.


The RehaZentrum Malovec is protecting our environment!

With this project, we aim to support environmental protection every year. Children and teenagers receive a small book with an interesting story-"Why Are Bees Important?"-along with meadow flower seeds that they can plant.

July 2019

The female members of the Malovec cooperative ran for a good cause.

August 13, 2019

Birthday party of the Malovec team

August 2019 - Malovec Team Building

The Malovec team has left the everyday routine behind.

December 2019 - Physio is Fun!
January 2020 - The neurorehabilitation program has been expanded to include QRI therapy.

Quantum Reflex Integration /QRI/ is a form of therapy that combines cold laser, sound, and reflex-integrative techniques to have a rehabilitative effect on the nervous system.

August 2020 - The Malovec team celebrates its 7th birthday!
October 2020

Everyone wants to win! Biofeedback in rehabilitation is a modern form of neurorehabilitation that playfully focuses on strength training, endurance, range of motion, and cognitive abilities.

December 2020 - Merry Christmas
August 2021 - Heroes in Real Life
October 2021

The second LokoHelp has been acquired to make treadmill therapy with unloading available to all patients.

September 2021

The services have been expanded to also provide high-quality treatment for orthopedic patients at the RehaZentrum Malovec.

January 2022

More and more people are suffering from the effects of COVID-19, which is why the RehaZentrum Malovec has developed an intensive program for patients recovering from COVID.

February 2022

Rehabilitation tips on YouTube for children with cerebral palsy, after a stroke, and for orthopedic patients.

May 2022

Superheroes celebrated in Vienna! At our first event for Superheroes' Children's Day, we had a lot of fun! Families from all over Vienna and Lower Austria came to celebrate with their little ones and experience a day full of fun and excitement.

Of course, no event would be complete without delicious food, and we are very grateful to have had BILLA as a sponsor, who provided us with many snacks and other treats. We also thank Raiffeisen Bank for the really great gifts.